Saturday, February 16, 2013

Five for Friday (a day late!)

I am linking up a little late with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.  What a great way to reflect on the week!  I usually spend some downtime on Friday night reading blogs and posting something about our week.  If I had my choice, I would stay home most nights after being pulled in so many different directions all day.  However, last night my hubbie and I went out to dinner and a movie with my parents.  It was a rare treat to get a sitter and go out:)  The movie we went to see was "Lincoln" and it was fabulous!
1.  Project on Donors Choose Funded!  I was so thrilled when these packages arrived in my room this week!!  They are from!  I did not really expect that the project I submitted last summer would get funded, but it was! Yay!!  One lovely lady kept coming back giving donations and finally funded the whole project because she said that she wanted to see it completed.  I am so grateful and blessed by the kindness of strangers like her.  
My big ticket item that I had my eye on was this storage cart from Lakeshore Learning.  
I had already spent much more money personally than was in my budget last summer for school supplies (don't we all) and this item was $99.  It was a piece that I knew would be so helpful in organizing the Daily 5 and math centers that I was downloading all summer.  I went the cheaper route and have been organizing materials in folders and boxes.  This has worked somewhat but the centers with little cards are awkward in folder and fall out easily.   Now, some of my centers can have their own little drawer and the students can take the drawer with them to their work space!  LOVE IT!!

My students were just as excited as I was.  It was so cute!  These three boys assembled the cart and were so proud.  I wish you could see their faces.  Now, I am working on getting permission slips to post photos on DonorChoose and then we will write our thank you letters.  If you haven't checked out, I highly recommend it.  You just never know when someone may help your classroom dream item become a reality.  It has been a great experience and I think it was also good for the students to witness an act of kindness by a stranger on their behalf!

2.  Pencils Made by Seniors with Disabilities- Speaking of acts of kindness, the students were also thrilled when one of my room mothers who works with senior citizens with disabilities delivered these pencils and bookmarks to our room.  The seniors added a ton of pizzaz to these pencils and one elderly gentlemen came with the parent from my classroom to deliver these!  It was so sweet and the students have been using them all week.  
3.  Electricity Unit- We started our electricity unit this week (finally!).  After learning about electrical safety and making rules for our classroom when working with electrical items, we were ready for our first investigation.  Each pair of students is given two copper wires, a "D" battery, and a little lightbulb. I gave them about 10 minutes to try and figure out how to light the bulb.  It is so funny listening to them.  So many say, "Oh, this is easy!  I know how to do it!"  Guess what?  Not one could do it this year!  Usually, I have one or two groups that figure it out or might have an electrical kit at home.  Not this year.  They were amazed when I demonstrated how to light it.  I love watching their reactions to science experiments and then witnessing how much they learn over the course of  a few weeks.

4.  Pen Pal Letters-We mailed our third round of pen pal letters this week.  Our class made a five- minute video clip of our class saying a big hello with each individual saying a quick blurb to their pen pal.  We also took a look out our classroom window with the snow, fields, and woods.  We are in a very rural area.  Our pen pals are from Indianapolis and it is fascinating to compare the rural vs. city life.  They asked us a lot of questions about snowmobiling.  When the winter is great for snowmobiling around here, it really affects the local economy.  The trails are closed right now...not good!

5.  Daughter's 100th Day Project:)  Here is my little Kindergartner and her "100 Scoops of Ice Cream".  She is so proud!  Between Valentine's Day and the 100th day, she had quite the busy week for a five year old:)  She is growing too fast...sniff, sniff:(

How was your week?  I would love to hear your comments!  Have a nice long weekend:)


  1. That cart looks like it is going to be well used! I teach in a rural area too but it has been a bit since I have done pen pals with a urban school - thanks for reminding me. I love how excited the kids are when they get mail! Have a great weekend.

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  2. *LOVE* your new cart! Lakeshore Learning is the best! Their stuff is virtually indestructable and so cute! I bet your students will take good care of it after helping to build it!

    I've seen DonorsChoose on a lot of blogs, but haven't taken a look at it yet. What a blessing to have strangers help to build dreamy classrooms! Your post was a fun read! =)

    A+ Firsties

  3. Yeah for you! So excited your project got funded:) My last one ran out of time:/ Those pencils and bookmarks are so sweet! What a neat thing to be a part of:) Have a happy long weekend:)))

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. Wow! That is so fantastic. Congratulations on the new Daily 5 set-up; it looks great :) Also, LOVE your daughters ice cream cone - super cute!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  5. That is a fantastic cart! I haven't tried Donors Choose yet.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  6. So glad you got your project funded, and it's even better that you supplies are from Lakeshore. Your daughter is cutie!

    Learning in the Little Apple
