Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tried It Tuesday {Link Collections in a Blog}

Wow! The summer is really winding down and I can hardly believe it has been a week since last week's Tried It link up.  I just had a week where I was busy but, thinking back, I can barely think of anything I accomplished.  Maybe that is because my to-do list is so long.  Panicking just a little!  Admiring all of your beautiful classrooms that are back in full swing doesn't help matters. It is a constant reminder of all the work ahead of me!

In my last week's Tried It Tuesday, I showed how I created and organized pages on my blog.
This week I am back with the second part of last week's Tried It Tuesday!

My Tried It:
Adding Link Collections to Pages in Blogger
Since Tried It Tuesday began last spring, I have been blown away by all the amazing ideas that have been linked up!  I use Pinterest like crazy to keep track of all the tips I want to refer back to.  However, I wanted a way for readers who do not stay caught up with Tried It Tuesday each week to be able to revisit the topics by theme at a glance.
So, I created a page on my blog titled, "Tried It Tuesday".
I found "pages" in Blogger to be tricky and it took a little playing around until I figured it out.
Check out this tutorial from last week to organize pages in blogger.

I hope this tutorial might give you a start in making a link collection on your blog or site.  I'm sure there are so many things I have overlooked, but I love to share information when I can!  
You can always email me (lillycharlie2915@gmail.com) with any questions and I will do my best to help you.  On that same note, bloggers in general are a helpful bunch and the amazing Diane from Fifth in the Middle has started a new linky called the "Helpful Blogger Network".
Just go to this new linky and check out the all the bloggers that have committed to helping out all followers, readers, and fellow bloggers!  Bloggers, link up as a helpful blogger too!

It's your turn to link up something (anything!) you have "TRIED" and someone can learn from! 


  1. I'm just starting in the blogging thing (I've read them, just started my own) and everyone is saying to "make it fancy" to get more followers. The thing is, I have no idea how except to take HOURS and HOURS to learn, which I don't have, or to pay for someone to make my blog fancy for me. I've looked at 3am teacher, TCBOTB, DreamSomething and some are inexpensive and others are very expensive, but you get a really cute page. You get what you pay for right? So what would you do? And how much do you think you spend each year on your blog subscriptions, etc...

    Ms. Chae Charges In

  2. Thank you for this! You again have taught me something new. I don't dare tackle a project like that right now (with school starting so soon) but I am pinning this to save for later!

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Follow me on Facebook

  3. This does seem easier than using pages in Blogger! I have a page started that I never finished for this reason!


  4. I can only imagine how much time it took to link up all the posts and select images for them all. But now that you have it set up I hope it will be easy for you to just plug in new posts?? Wow! Thanks for the tutorial. I too will pin it for later reference (like next summer later :) ).

  5. Wow! This is a great tutorial! It must have taken you forever to organize everything! Thanks for all of your hard work!

    Fifth in the Middle

  6. Another fantastic tutorial, Holly! I don't know when you had time to put all of this together...but I sure appreciate it! :)

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  7. Thank you SO much for your tutorials! I am a newer logger and your tutorial about adding pages is so helpful! Also, I have inlinkz for linky parties, but never thought About how to use it to organize pages on my own blog! The helpful blogger network also seems like it will be wonderful! Thank you again for all your ideas!-Lisa

  8. Once again, you've delivered a fabulous tutorial. I can't wait to write more posts so I can try this. You really, really, really ROCK, Holly!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learin'

  9. This is amazing! I need to set some time aside to work on this-thank you for such detailed instructions! This is hours of hard work Holly and is much appreciated!!!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching
