Friday, March 15, 2013

Five For Friday TGIF!!

TGIF is the phrase of the day!! 
It has been snowing and blowing the past two days like it is January, 
my sickness (cold, fever, blah) is back with a vengeance, 
and it is crunch time for the state tests.  
If that doesn't deserve a TGIF, I don't know what does.  
Good thing I can do a link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to brighten my spirits:)
1.  Pen Pal Letters-We have the best pen pals from Indianapolis this year!  Since we live in a rural district, I wanted pen pals from an urban area.  Jill replied to my blog post plea here and we just exchanged our third set of letters back and forth!  In the last set, I sent a video message of the whole class and each individual saying a quick "hi" to the pen pal and word about themselves.  We just received a video and letters back from them and my students were so thrilled!  I love the buzz of the classroom as they read their new letters:)

2.  American Revolution (FINALLY!)  I am so far behind in everything this year it seems and social studies and science are no exceptions.  This is my favorite unit in social studies and we started these pockets to hang on the students' desks this week.  

This is the Boston Massacre pop-up.  The students really love the activities that go with this unit!

I use this book for the resources that go with the pocket folder.

3.  American Revolution #2-In ELA (different grouping than my homeroom-social studies group but there are some crossovers) we started reading "Can't You Make Them Behave, King George?" by Jean Fritz.  I love all her books and the interesting, fun spin she gives to historical events.
4.  Math Review-We studied area and perimeter weeks ago and I added this tic-tac-toe game that I found on TPT to my math centers as a fun way to review both concepts.  With the test approaching soon...dun dun dun...any review of concepts that will surely be tested is always a good thing!  
One side of the card has a question.  Students answer the question and show their work on the recording sheet.
 Next, they flip the card over and if the answer is correct, they put their "x" or "o" on that spot of the board.  If they are incorrect, their partner gets to place their "x" or "o" on the board.

5.  My Little Buddy is 3!!!  I can hardly believe that my little guy turned THREE today!
Seriously, where does the time go?
He only asked me about ten times today, "Mommy, am I three now?  Today?"
He has the sweetest little soul and just melts my heart!
When we brought him home from the hospital three years ago, it was 75 degrees (yes, mid March in WNY).  I actually like colder temps but the 20's can go now!  
Fifty degrees would be all I ask...please? 
Have a great weekend everyone whatever your weather is like:)


  1. I love the Revolution stuff too! And I used that book as well! :) happy Friday!!
    ideas by jivey

  2. I love all your your American Revolution ideas. Enjoy your weekend...hopefully it warms up for you soon!
    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  3. We are heading into state test crunch time too. I have been on break and having a terrible time thinking about school...trying to suck out the last few minutes of my break that I can:) You little man is precious! Makes me feel soooo firstborn turned 20 Tuesday!! EEkk! Have a relaxing weekend:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. Happy birthday to your little man - he is adorable. Good luck on the tests!

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  5. Awww happy birthday to your little cutie patutie!! Adorable just like his mama :) I have that American Revolution book too!! We didn't get through all of it, but there are a lot of great activities in there... have a wonderful weekend XOXO 50 degrees sounds great to me!

    Laura Love to Teach

  6. What a cutie pie! I LOVE the idea of pen pals.. that's definitely something I plan on doing next year. I would say this--but that would be a lie!

    The 4th Grade Journey

  7. I found your blog the linky party. I love the American Revolution materials. I'm super behind in social studies too. We'll be learning about the American Revolution in a few weeks. It's one of my favorite units to teach. Thanks for sharing.
    I'm your newest follower.

    Teacher of Scholars
