Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Made It!! (classroom jobs)

It's Monday!  I am excited because I can link up with my favorite linky party and the amazing Tara at 4th Grade Frolics!!
Made It #1-I decided to do a major change with my classroom jobs (I know it's March!) but I couldn't resist!  My books from my personal library keep getting misplaced or not returned.  It is so frustrating when I just happen to find six or so books in a student's desk or they have gone missing entirely!  Ugh!  I have spent a lot of time (and money) building up my mediocre library.  A better system was needed.  I have tried the self check-out system but the same students were not returning their books and either not signing them out or in and it was nearly impossible to keep track of who last saw the book.  Then, I saw this post from the Peanut Gallery's post at All Things Upper Elementary.  This setup is amazing!
Did I mention that I WISH I had that many books in my library?  I would need more shelf space first though!  Her system was so inspiring that I knew I had to make a change.  It could not wait until next year!  So, I began searching for ideas for classroom job applications.  Why stop at just a classroom librarian?  I have always had a "teacher's helper" but the more I read, the more I realized I could have many more jobs in the classroom.  I found this FREE editable classroom job application on TPT and edited it for my needs.  The students were ecstatic when they found out they would be applying for various (new!) classroom jobs!  They couldn't wait to find out their new jobs.
Once the students applied for jobs, I made a job calendar for March and April based on the students' top three choices.  There really is a job for everyone and even my most reluctant helpers were excited (well, at least mildly:)  

I made this job chart...well, sort of made it on my own.  The adorable owl graphics are by Tracee Orman and you can find them here at TPT.  The chevron frames can be found here and the borders by the talented Megan at I Teach, What's Your Super Power below the owls are here at TPT.

I laminated the signs and put the magnetic strips on the back.  The little magnets holding the students names are Oxo magnets and they are super strong!  Pictured below is the little basket holding extra student name cards.  I knew I would find a handy way to use this magnetic basket I bought at Dollar General last summer!

The student jobs I have are:
  • homework handlers (2)
  • administrative assistants (2)
  • classroom librarians (2)
  • attendance assistant (1)
  • pencil police (2)
  • line leader (1)
  • board boss (1)
  • classroom caretaker (1)
  • homework checkers (varies based on needs)
Some jobs change every week and some change every two weeks.  So far, this has been working better than I ever could have imagined.  It might be because it is new but I hope changing the jobs often keep the interest alive.

I am using this box with index cards for my classroom librarians to keep track of books checked out and check them back in after they are returned.
Made It #2-I added these labels to two baskets inspired by the Peanut Gallery's post again:)  Students place their index card in the book before placing it in the book return basket.  My classroom librarians make sure it is shelved properly and check off the return on the index card.  The book hospital bin is for books in need of repair and donations to the library that need to have the AR level sticker added by the librarians.  So far, they are loving this job and I am loving the help!
Made It #3-Besides the classroom librarian job, the pencil police job was the most desired job on the applications.  These helpers have the privilege of keeping pencils sharpened and placed back in the "ready to write" can.  Why do they like it so much?  Because they love using the Quietest Pencil Sharpener!  They also monitor the sharpeners use and make sure no one is using it to sharpen colored pencils or special pencils with foil wrapping.  

I wanted to find a way to mount this sharpener on the wall above my old sharpener.  The clamp did not hold well on any of my counters and I was so nervous that it would get knocked on the floor.  One of my awesome maintenance guys came up with this contraption for me!  He received a nice bag of my homemade chocolate chip cookies in return:)

Made It #5-I really cheated on this one but wanted to share this great resource with you.  I downloaded and printed this fraction dominoes game from Jivey at Ideas for Jivey and my high school volunteer cut out and laminated them. I have had her volunteering for two weeks every other day and it has been like heaven!  I also used a simplifying fractions game freebie from her store.  You have to check it out!  She is having a 200 follower giveaway right now with amazing prizes!
Made It #6-I also downloaded and printed these idiom and main idea task cards from the task card queen, Rachel Lynette.  I just love her task cards!  My students BEG to play scoot and I also use them for practice at Daily 5 centers.

Made It #7-I updated my Natural Disasters Project pack to make it TPT ready (thanks for the comments, friends!).  My students loved this project and it is great for promoting informational text and many core standards.  Check it out here:)
Anyone here a Bachelor fan?  I cannot wait for tonight and will be sad when the season is over:(  Mondays are so AWESOME when I know I can come home and reward myself with an episode of Sean!  Will he find love????  

Two more weeks for me and then a two week spring break!  It will be a staycation since we chose my vacation time to have my daughter's much needed surgery of tonsils and adenoids removed.  It should be restful vacation and I am really looking forward to the first break since Christmas!  It has been a long haul!  Have a great week everyone!  Go back and check out the other Monday Made Its!


  1. I found you through Monday Made It and love your blog! I'm your newest follower! What is that fancy contraption that your maintenance man has set up? Great idea! I have the same problem in my classroom library so I am all over your new library system.

    Thanks for your ideas,

    Teaching with a Touch of Twang

  2. Love your job board - I was just thinking that I may use part of my break to revamp areas of my classroom - thanks for the great ideas!

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  3. Wow, you have been busy. I love your new job stations, so cute.

    The First Grade Princess

  4. Thanks so much for the shout out! You made my day. I am so glad you found my post helpful! :)

  5. I love the idea of classroom job applications! I don't have an all-day classroom this year but will next year, so this was really helpful!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  6. Wow! Awesome Monday Made It!! I did an application for jobs last year but I didn't think year (I don't know why...a little overwhelmed at the beginning of the year maybe...or I just forgot!) I love how organized it is!!

    (I have the same owls from Tracee in my room along with the same owl border! Great minds think alike!!)

    I love that you mounted that pencil sharpener to the wall!! Very smart!!!

    Collaboration Cuties

  7. I love your classroom jobs revamp:) I am adding that to my to do list for next year....too overwhelmed for this Thanks for linking up and all your awesomeness:))

  8. I also really like your classroom job idea. I may have to take that as well and run with it. Do you have any idea where your custodian got the piece to mount your quiet pencil sharpener? I would love to do that in my classroom. I went ahead and saved the picture. I will print it out and take it to a hardware store. I am so excited that it is a possiblity. Thanks for sharing that.

    Mrs. Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thanks for sharing this with us and giving us all the information. I think everyone tries to get a cheaper insurance if possible. That is one of the fixed cost which people find it expensive.
    Jobs Monday | full time job
