Happy weekend!! I have two weeks to go and am counting down! Linking up Five for Fraturday with Doodle Bugs Teaching.
Here are some random happenings from my week!
In my ELA blocks, we are reading Misty of Chincoteague.
From Amazon: Nobody could capture the Phantom. She was the wildest mare on Assateague Island. They said she was like the wind, that the white "map" on her shoulders was her mark of freedom.
Paul and Maureen Beebe had their hearts set on owning her. They were itching to buy and tame her, and worked hard to earn the money that she would cost. But the roundup men had tried to capture her and for two years she had escaped them....
Pony Penning Day holds a surprise for everyone, for Paul not only brings in the Phantom, but her newborn colt as well. Can Paul and Maureen possibly earn enough to buy them both?
We happen to have this nonfiction article about the Wild Ponies of Chincoteague in the reading series Treasures that I have multiple copies of.
This book is full of challenging vocabulary. One activity I love doing for vocabulary is the graphic organizer below from Head Over Heels for Teaching product, Reading with Post Its II. These are pictures from vocabulary from Book Clubs since I forgot to take pictures with Misty.

We finished our Father's Day projects. I read The Best Part of Me to the students.
They choose the "best part" of their dad and wrote why that is their best part. They turned out cute!
I was really disappointed that the font didn't print right. My computer crashed last weekend and I sent the file to my colleagues email. She didn't realize how it was supposed to look (the font wasn't installed on her computer) and made copies for the whole grade. I didn't want to recopy all of them, so used it with the font looking off. I have this as a freebie in my TPT store. Pick up a copy for next year (there are Mother's Day templates too!).
Update on my pinky finger...Here is what it looked a few days after the injury (fractured from karate).
Here is my finger today. It is still swollen and now bent in. I could have surgery, but it is not necessary for just a pinky. I still can't make a full fist but it is feeling better. Medical tape has become my new best friend. :)
Last week we had NINE straight days of dance.
Four recitals
Arriving home at 10:30 pm three nights in a row with a child who goes to bed before 8:00 every night
Six costume changes for each recital
A big room full of dancers ages 3-7 (and dance moms!)
Whew!! Was it worth it?
To watch my daughter be so passionate about something at age 7 is priceless!
I needed a break after last weekend though. :)
These years are just going to fly by and I keep telling myself to just enjoy them.
Here a just a couple pictures with two of the costumes.
Don't forget to check out this amazing deal at Educents! Stock up on mentor text units in this HUGE Book Blowout! Included are EIGHTEEN products for only $19.99 (valued at $90)!! This deal is only for a limited time, so don't wait too long as you start thinking about next year!
Have a great weekend everyone!!