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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Tis the Season for a Sale!

Hello, friends! I hope you had a wonderful, restful holiday with family and friends. I spent the day at my aunt's house, we got more snow, and then my sisters and I did our annual Black Friday shopping. We don't really go out with specific agendas in mind and didn't even have to wait in any lines! It's just nice to be able to shop with them since they both live about 90 miles away.

Maybe by now you've heard of the upcoming TPT sitewide sale...
...but have you entered to win one of the five $25 TPT gift cards yet? Today is the last day to enter. If you win, that extra cash will come to your inbox just in time for the sale! Click the image below to enter if you haven't already... winners will be announced tomorrow!
What is on your wishlist? I love seeing what other people are buying for their classroom. I always find products that I didn't know were even out there!
Feel free to grab the banners and link up, too! Share two items that everyone has on their wish list from your store and one item that you have on your own wish list that you'll buy during the sale.
My entire store will be discounted an additional 20% off December 1st to the 2nd on top of the TPT Cyber sale. The number one thing people have wish listed from my store is my Monster Fractions: Four Fraction Centers for Bigger Kids. There are almost 400 people that have this wishlisted! Are you one of them? The centers address a variety of common core standards in a fun, engaging way. The monster graphics have a winter theme, so it is a perfect center this time of the year! Watch this product review by Rachel Parlett from the Classroom Game Nook.
The standards addressed are: 
CCSS.Math.Content.4.NF.A.1, Equivalent Fractions

CCSS.Math.Content.4.NF.A.2, Comparing Fractions

CCSS.Math.Content.4.NF.B.4d, Word Problems with addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators

CCSS.Math.Content.4.NF.B.4c, Word Problems with multiplication of a fraction and whole number
CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.A.1, Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators
CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.A.2, Word Problems with addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators

The second most wish listed item is my Line Plots with Fractions Math Center. I created this specifically to address CCSS Math Content.4.MD.B.4 (Make a line plot to display a data set of measurements in fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4 1/8). Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions by using information presented in line plots). This is such a tough skill and this game is amazing for practicing it in a fun, engaging way! Just check out the feedback on this product!

My own students are in the heart of multiplication by multi-digits and our next chapter is long division. So, I have my eye on these winter themed task cards by I Love My Classroom. Here are the Multiplication Task Cards:
Or...save even more during the Cyber sale and buy the bundle!
Are you ready to shop? Don't forget to use the code TPTCYBER! (I forgot to use the code once to save even more. It's easy to do because most of the stores list their items on sale too!).
Have a wonderful weekend! 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Need Some TPT Cash?!?

We are so excited for the holiday season that we couldn't help but spread some love! Lots of your favorite TPT Teacher-Authors and I have teamed up to give YOU some TPT spending money. We love you and appreciate you (and we wish we could give all of our fabulous followers some money)!

Thank you to Jivey at Ideas by Jivey for organizing this giveaway and making the adorable image above!
Enter the Rafflecopter below by simply following our TPT stores, and you will have a chance to win one of five $25 TPT gift cards
Good luck!

You can read or link up to Tried It Tuesday this week or next week here!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tried It Tuesday {Number of the Day}

Happy Tuesday! Sorry I am posting this much later than usual. I am so off schedule because of the holiday and our annual teacher shopping trip yesterday. I know many of you can relate when you have busy teaching schedules, kids' schedules, and making time to blog sometimes takes the back burner. I have been the worst blogger lately and have decided to do Tried It Tuesday once a month, opening on the second Tuesday of each month (like TWOSDAY). I want to blog more often and link up with other teachers, and making my own linky only once a month will hopefully do that. Feel free to link up as many times as you would like during the month!

Now It's Time for Tried It Tuesday! 
What have you tried at school or home?
If you've never linked up with Tried It Tuesday, just link up any idea school or home related and what worked or didn't work. Simple! 
My Tried It:
Number of the Day
I blogged about using a math meeting at the beginning of all three of my math blocks here. One part of the math meeting everyday is the "Number of the Day". I started with number one and it has increased by one each day. I didn't realize how much the students would get excited about the Number of the Day and really outdo themselves. It has been a wonderful addition to the meeting!
Every day students eagerly raise their hand to share the number sentence that they created that equals the number of the day. "Pick me...Pick me...is what their strained little faces show!"

Here are some examples of student work for number of the day. I love how many of them use division even though we haven't covered division yet. I taught them a little trick that if they multiply the number of the day by any number, they can then make that a division problem. They LOVE it!

 This one actually equals 41 and it is supposed to be 40 but I was so impressed by how she used the order of operations that we had just worked on the day prior!
When students go back to their seats after math meeting each day, I hear a buzz of conversation and the students sharing their number sentences with each other, trying to impress their peers!

Don't forget that my BBB, Nick, from Sweet Rhyme and Pure Reason. Nick and his wife have begun one of the best, most exciting journeys of their lives...a journey to adopt a child. It is their dream to be parents and they have put so much heart into making this dream a reality. Unfortunately, the cost associated with adoption is so high that a teacher's salary alone is not enough. That's where teacher bloggy friends come in! Many bloggers have put together a fall bundle of products geared for grades 3-5 where the profits will help Nick and his wife make their dream of becoming parents a reality! Check out this fall bundle here!
This will only be available until this Friday, November 14th!
Many of these items were created new for this bundle and are not yet available in teacher's stores! Check them out...

So, that comes to about $1.30 per product in this bundle! What a steal!! AND you will be supporting a fellow teacher and his dream of becoming a dad! Win, Win!!