Hi everyone! It's Time for Tried It Tuesday!
What have you tried at school or home?
What have you tried at school or home?
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My Tried It:
Matching Font Color to Clipart in PowerPoint
You know when you have one of those "aha" moments when you learn a simple trick and CANNOT believe it took you this long to figure it out? That was me last week when I saw this tip on Instagram. For the life of me, I can't remember whose page it was from on my newsfeed but you are a lifesaver! I was working on a PowerPoint document and frustrated as usual trying to get just the right color on my font. I always would go to choose "more colors" and click around on that color wheel for what seemed like forever TRYING to match the color to my clipart!
Most of you probably know this but in case you don't (like me!), here is a simple little trick. I have a Mac and use PowerPoint 2008 for Mac.
Most of you probably know this but in case you don't (like me!), here is a simple little trick. I have a Mac and use PowerPoint 2008 for Mac.
I would love to hear any other tips you have about color matching on Macs. I read somewhere about an app under utilities but couldn't find that. There is so much to learn! Have a great week friends!
I hope you will link up anything you have "Tried"!
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